Calendar of Events

Month Event
24-Sep 2 Labor Day
9 Fall Quarter 2024 begins
24-Nov 22 Final Exams for Fall Quarter 2024
28 Thanksgiving Day
29 Day after Thanksgiving Day
24-Dec 2 Winter Quarter 2025 begins
24 Day before Christmas Day
25 Christmas Day
25-Jan 1 New Years Day
20 Martin Luther King Day
23-25 World of Concrete, Las Vegas
25-Feb 28 Final Exams for Winter Quarter 2025
17 President's Day
25-Mar 3 Spring Quarter 2025 begins
25-May 23 Final Exams for Spring Quarter 2025
26 Memorial Day
25-Jun 2 Summer Quarter 2025 begins
4 Independence Day
25-Aug 29 Final Exams for Summer Quarter 2025

Note: if any of the above holidays fall on a Saturday, the following Monday shall be considered a legal holiday.  If the holidays of Independence Day (fourth of July), Christmas and New Year’s Day fall on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be considered a legal holiday, when and if the basic crafts adopt this provision.

applications for apprenticeship are Now Open

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