Unit 4

Screeds and Bulkheads

Large concrete slabs often require multiple pours to complete. This requires the construction of bulkheads to contain the fresh concrete in each section and the construction of screeds to ensure the proper grade is maintained across the width of the pour. In addition to being strong enough to contain the fresh concrete, bulkheads must also be […]

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Some experts suggest that allow the cost of labor and materials in weatherproofing a concrete project amount to less than one percent of the cost of the job, as much as 95 percent of the repair and maintenance costs associated with concrete structures are a result of weathering. While some damage from weathering is bound to occur, the fact remains

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Fundamental Math Day 1

Being able to calculate area, volume, and proportions is avaluable skill in the concrete industry. Calculating area allowsyou to estimate materials. Volume measurements help you toestimate concrete for walls, steps, and floor slabs, for example.Ratios and proportions are required for mixing ingredientsproperly and for understanding relationships such as heat lossand load-bearing capacities. Area, volume, and

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Fundamental Math Day 2

Being able to calculate area, volume, and proportions is a valuable skill in the concrete industry. Calculating area allows you to estimate materials. Volume measurements help you to estimate concrete for walls, steps, and floor slabs, for example. Ratios and proportions are required for mixing ingredients properly and for understanding relationships such as heat loss

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Fundamental Math Day 3

Being able to calculate area, volume, and proportions is a valuable skill in the concrete industry. Calculating area allows you to estimate materials. Volume measurements help you to estimate concrete for walls, steps, and floor slabs, for example. Ratios and proportions are required for mixing ingredients properly and for understanding relationships such as heat loss

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