Get Paid to Learn a New Career as a Cement Mason

Cement Masons Are in High Demand

Begin on a career path that brings a healthy income, rewarding work and the pride of making a difference. There’s no experience necessary. All you need are a set of tools and the right attitude.

Demand for well-trained Cement Masons in California has never been higher.

California needs its transportation infrastructure rebuilt. Our water delivery system needs upgrading. Contractors are struggling to find enough trained Cement Masons to do the job. Cement Masonry is designated as a “green trade” and is part of the Green Construction process.

Get the best training from the most comprehensive training program in the industry. Become a Cement Mason apprentice today at the Northern California Cement Masons Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee.

Join the Apprenticeship Training Program Today

Learn One of the World's Oldest Crafts

A group of cement masons learning how to construct a sidewalk as they are paid to learn

Paid to Learn

A night-time cement mason crew works on a job-site to build our world

Build Our World

A group of cement masons stand together to represent a lifelong career

Lifelong Career

Cement Masonry requires character, commitment, hard work and skilled teamwork. To instill these values in our apprentices, the Northern California Cement Masons Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee equips our apprentices with the knowledge of Cement Masonry through its structured related training and on-the-job training.

When buying cement finishing equipment, it’s very important that you use high-quality tools.


Learn how Northern California Cement Masons JATC has helped other apprentices

"The Apprenticeship Program is great for those who decided not to go to college. It teaches one a great skill that can be used anywhere in the world."
Luis Duenas, Jr
Cement Masons Local 400,
Area 631, Vallejo.
"The hands-on experience that I receive each time I come to class makes me more experienced in the work field."

Scott Washington
Cement Masons Local 300,
Area 580, San Francisco.
"This program was very helpful both on and off the work field. It gives you the skills you need to succeed in this field of work."
Jose Plascencia
Cement Masons Local 300,
Area 580, San Francisco
"What you put in, you will receive, in more than one way. For me it’s changed my perspective on life. Thank you!"
Remo Serbo
Cement Masons Local 400,
Area 814, Stockton

applications for apprenticeship are Now Open